Molecular Analysis Facilty Tool

XPS – Kratos

Make/Model: Kratos AXIS Ultra DLD
Location: MolES G42H
  • Full Description
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X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) (which is also known as ESCA) exploits the photoelectric effect to obtain information about the chemical composition of a surface. XPS can identify all elements (except H and He) present in the outermost 10 nm of a surface that are in concentrations greater than 0.1 atomic %. The elemental composition of a surface can be quantified (±10% or better). High-resolution XPS spectra can provide information about the molecular environment of a particular element (oxidation state, bonding atoms, etc.) 

The Kratos AXIS Ultra DLD is capable of providing high-resolution, high-signal-to-noise surface analysis data for a wide variety of specimens.  Since the major components of the XPS systems are under computer control, automated data acquisition is possible allowing the instrument to be used 24/7.

Special additional capabilities (Kratos Axis Ultra DLD only):
– Fast parallel imaging
– Elemental depth profiling with monatomic argon
– Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS)
– Frozen-hydrated analysis ("cold stage")

XPS S-probe