Celebrating distinguished graduates in Molecular Engineering & Sciences

Sept. 5 2023

Cholpisit "Ice" Kiattisewee headshot
Cholpisit “Ice” Kiattisewee

The Molecular Engineering Ph.D. program saw its largest graduating class in the 2022-2023 academic year, with 20 students successfully defending their theses. These graduates represent four cohorts and interdisciplinary research across 13 different departments and organizations. The newest alums were recognized in a graduation celebration on June 1.

During the ceremony, Cholpisit “Ice” Kiattisewee was awarded the Distinguished Dissertation Award for his publication, “Expanding the scope of bacterial CRSIPR activation with PAM-Flexible dCas9 variants.” Read More

$2 Million award from National Science Foundation will support team to develop 3D-printed microorganisms for sustainable construction materials

March 9, 2023

An interdisciplinary research team led by University of Washington Chemistry Professor Alshakim Nelson received $2 million in funding from the National Science Foundation's Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) program. The funding will be used to combine engineered microorganisms with 3D printing to create materials for sustainable built environments. This grant will provide funding to researchers at UW, the University of Texas at Austin, and University of California Davis over four years.

"Engineered living systems for construction and other building materials have the potential to afford a level of durability and sustainability that cannot be achieved with our traditional materials," said Nelson. Read More

MolES 2019-20 Annual Report

The Molecular Engineering & Sciences Institute annual report for the 2019-20 academic year is now available. Learn about the work being done at MolES and the MAF by our faculty, students, and staff! The report features a snapshot of our institute, research highlights, faculty awards, our work to address racism in STEM, graduating students, and letters from the MolES and MAF directors.

Read the full report here. Read More

UW researcher recognized in NNCI image contest

MSE research assistant professor Shuai Zhang was recognized for his submission to the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) Image Contest 2020. This annual contest, called "Plenty of Beauty at the Bottom," celebrates the beauty of the micro and nanoscale. Images featured were produced at one of the 16 NNCI sites during the past year. Zhang's image, "Protein Chess Board in Nanoscale," was recognized in the Most Unique Capability category.

Zhang submitted an atomic force microscopy (AFM) averaged morphological image of the two-dimensional protein crystals of mutated l-rhamnulose-1-phosphate aldolase (F88/C98RhuA) on muscovite mica. Read More

Characterizing microbial communities in the human gut and soil to understand their roles in health, disease and the environment

Alex Carr
MolE PhD Student Alex Carr

Alex Carr is a 3rd year molecular engineering Ph.D. student co-advised by UW affiliated investigators Drs. Sean Gibbons and Nitin Baliga at the Institute for Systems Biology. We recently spoke with Carr about his research and his experience in the Molecular Engineering (MolE) Ph.D. program.

How did you come to pursue a Ph.D. in molecular engineering?

I got my undergraduate degree in chemistry from UC San Diego where I worked in an x-ray crystallography lab characterizing bacterial enzymes. Read More