Mary Gates Research Fellows Get Intro to Molecular Engineering

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Dominik Stemer
Dominik Stemer in the WNF lab gets early intro into nanotech research












Early introduction to research can help students determine their passion and jump start careers. One of the benefits of the MolES Institute's Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME) degree program for undergraduates is the opportunity to integrate classroom training with laboratory research experience early in a student's academic career. In addition to hands-on training in labs and faculty mentorship, these students also have the opportunity to compete for scholarships at the University of Washington that support and encourage undergraduate research.

This quarter, six students enrolled in the Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering Program Network earned Mary Gates Research Scholarships. These are competitive scholarships intended to enhance the educational experiences of undergraduate students at the University of Washington while they are engaged in research guided by faculty.

Dominik Stemer
Dominik Stemer

Dominik Stemer is among them. He is a UW senior working at the Washington Nanofabrication Facility (WNF), and his research work includes developing molecular "recipes" to study the mechanical, optical, and electrical properties of electrical insulator films commonly used in the semiconductor industry.

"This project augments the classroom learning that Dom is doing in his daily coursework and allows him to apply his learning in real-world critical scenarios," according to Michael Khbeis, associate director of the Washington Nanofabrication Facility. "It not only provides our facility much-needed data, it also provides Dom with highly sought-after skills in the semiconductor industry and will make him a highly desired candidate for post-graduation recruitment."

As a Mary Gates Scholar, Dominik says he is able to focus more attention and time on his research project, rather than worrying about getting enough work hours to pay for college costs. He is also expanding his group of friends on campus through the planned activities and events organized for Mary Gates Scholars.

"The program allowed me to pursue an interest in molecular research and master an extensive set of molecular characterization instruments in the WNF and in the Molecular Analysis Facility," Dominik said. "It also introduced me to a group of students who are interested in a wide-variety of research topics and disciplines in arts and sciences that I might not have met."

Dominik, along with his follow Mary Gates Research Scholars, will present their projects at the 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday May 15, 2015 at Mary Gates Hall.

For more information on the undergraduate research options at MolES, previous Mary Gates Scholars and the scholarships available, click on the links below:

Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering Option Program Network

Mary Gates Research Scholarship

Winter 2015 Nanoscience and Molecular Engineering (NME) Mary Gate Scholars

Jinsung Kim
Traction Force Microscopy of Cardiomyocytes from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patient derived iPSCs
Faculty Advisor: Deok-Ho Kim

Kevin Mun
A High-Throughput, Phenotypic Screening Device to Characterize Breast Cancer Metastasis
Faculty Advisor: Deok-Ho Kim

Rachel Rosenzweig
Providing Role Models for the Encouragement & Retention of Women in Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Cathryne Jordan

Fablina Sharara
Recombinant Protein-Based Delivery System for SiRNA Cancer Therapeutics
Faculty Advisor: Xiaohu Gao

Michael Smith
Enhancement of Thermoelectric Material Efficiency (ZT) through composite nanostructures
Faculty Advisor: Alex Jen

Dominik Stemer
Washington Nanofabrication Facility Silicon Oxide Development for MIMCAP Applications
Faculty Advisor: Michael Khbeis